Monday, 1 September 2014

Visit to sanjay nursery

Children visited to a Nursery on Tuesday 26TH August 2014
 A nursery is a place where plants are propagated and grown to usable size. Nurseries can grow plants in open fields, on container fields and in tunnels or greenhouses.  We visited to the nursery. It is a beautiful botanical garden. There are different types of plant and flowers. Teacher gave them information about what is the color of flower and, what type of plant and all information which is related to plants and flowers.  Children saw and touched the plants with their hands and experienced it.
Children observed 700 hundred amazing live plants. It is truly a plant lover’s paradise. Someone has rightly said” He who plants a tree, plants a hope!”
          The types of plants children observed were;-
1)    Aquatic plants
2)   Bamboo and grasses
3)   Bonsai
4)   Cacti and succulents
5)   Climbers and creepers
6)   Flowering plants
7)   Flowering seeds
8)   Fruits plants
9)   Ground covers
10) Herbs and spices
11)   Indoor and ornamental plants
12) Lawn
13) Medicinal plants
14) Nakshtra van plants
15) Seasonal plants
16) Palms and Cycads
17) Pot plants
18) Shrubs
19) Trees
20)Tissue culture/Vegetable
20)                Tirthankar Vatika plants
21) Vertical plants
Teacher explains the importance of planting a tree and why should we plant a tree?
                  The following points learnt by children are;-
·        Trees enhance the beauty and provide shade.
·        Trees sooth the relax and connect us to nature.
·        Trees keep air and water clean.
·        Trees can be treated as neighborhood landmark provide new identity.
·        Trees increase property value by about 1st.
·        As per vastu its ten time better deed to plantation.
·        Trees teach us patience.
·        Finally someone who plants a tree, plants a hope because trees give us positive energy.
      Children enjoyed this wonderful visit with lots of information.

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